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August 14, 2023

The Intuitive Revenue Strategist: Unveiling a Transformational Approach to Business Success**

Super excited because I finally figured out a title that really explains what I do, and I know if you're like me, you may have been working and working on this for quite some time. I would say it's been at least three years.

A lot of people call me a Catalyst, a corporate coach, a corporate healer, but think about it - does the CEO want to be told they need to heal or that their business needs to heal? Apparently, there's a secret to it all.

Sell Them What They Want, Give Them What They Need:

In the ever-evolving world of business, we often find ourselves faced with a delicate balance between catering to what clients desire and providing what they genuinely need.

As business owners and executives, we understand the importance of aligning our offerings with market demands. However, there's a hidden wisdom in embracing the concept of 'selling them what they want and giving them what they need.'

The Quest for Clarity:

How does that support you? This is a question that has resonated with me throughout my journey. Much like you, I've dedicated substantial time and effort to defining my role and purpose.

For the past three years, I've explored various titles - Catalyst, corporate coach, corporate healer - but they didn't quite capture the essence of what I bring to the table.

Revealing the Guided Path:

And then it happened. A realization dawned upon me, guided by a culmination of experiences and intuitive insights.


The title that encapsulated the heart of my mission and expertise: the Intuitive Revenue Strategist. It hit me with a profound resonance - a perfect alignment of intention and action.

Embracing Transformational Support:

So, here I am, the Intuitive Revenue Strategist, excited to be stepping into this role. This title reflects my dedication to supporting companies in thriving, even amidst uncertainties.


My journey involves utilizing my intuitive gifts to hold a container of growth and innovation for those I collaborate with.


In the realm of business, understanding the art of selling what clients want while providing them with what they truly need is an extraordinary skill. My journey to finding the title that encapsulates my purpose has led me to the Intuitive Revenue Strategist, where I am committed to guiding companies towards transformational success.

As fellow business owners and executives, we embark on a journey of continuous growth and discovery. Let's embrace the wisdom of the 'sell them what they want, give them what they need' philosophy and unlock the limitless potential that lies within our businesses. It's not about me!

*Remember, the secret lies not just in the title, but in the intent and impact behind it.*

Blessings on Blessings!

~Bethany Londyn

Watch my video on this topic: